Algorithm Run Time Analysis

Algorithm Run Time Analysis:

ARTA is nothing but how much time the algorithm takes to run or to execute.

Based on the run time of the algorithm the efficiency of the algorithm is determined , this will be the deciding factor whether your algorithm is good or bad.

Based on ARTA , a algorithm can be improved to get better efficiency compared to your previous algorithm.

Practical Use Of Recursion Methodology

Where we use Recursion in Practical ?

Recursion is  heavily used in various areas.

  • We use in Stack example : Fibonacci Series
  • We use in Trees .  For Traversal , Insertion , Deletion , Searching.
  • We use in Quick Sort and Merge Sort.
  • Divide and Conquer -> Where bigger problem is divided into smaller chunks . Smaller chunks will be similar mostly.
  • In Dynamic Programming we use recursion where we divide bigger problem and solve smaller chunks and use to solve the bigger problem. 


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